
My Publications

In my college days, I wrote vignettes and poems for the college newspaper at Geneseo. After finishing graduate school and finding a job in the mental health field, I coauthored a book for the West Virginia Department of Human Services entitled Specialized Foster Care, a book on the treatment of disadvantaged youth and children placed in the foster care system.

Then I began to write articles for magazines, such as Dog Fancy Magazine and Glass Digest. But I preferred to write fiction, so I began taking graduate writing classes at the University of Kentucky. I spent years honing my fiction writing skills without seeking to get published.

Over the past decade or so, I have written more than 100 articles on self-help topics for online newsletters and journals, in addition to writing more than 100 articles on my three websites, pertaining to a multitude of mental health, positive psychology and psychotherapy topics. Also, I have written three full-length eBooks: Relationship Gold, Happiness Secrets and Relationship Revelations Revealed.  

But my heart's desire was to return to fiction writing. In the summer of 2020, I was accepted into the Bluegrass Writer's Studio, where I am pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing. At the same time, I began submitting my short stories for possible publication.

My short story, "Big Shot" was published in Voices de la Luna, the literary magazine of South Texas, in their November 2020 quarterly issue. 

In the spring of 2021, another literary magazine, Steam Ticket, accepted my short story, "Messengers From the Past," and published it in their May issue, Volume 24.

I plan to place excerpts from both stories, "Big Shot" and "Messengers From the Past", on the site soon, along with other samples of my writing.